

Since 2014, Maître Choralyne Dumesnil has been leading conferences (in person and online), particularly on the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, using a practical, multidisciplinary and intercultural approach. The content of the training courses is adapted to the needs of the audiences, structures and issues encountered. It is based on practical cases from real situations found within companies, NGOs, public institutions (education, etc.).

In addition, the Firm supports the creation of information, prevention and management systems for situations of sexual and gender-based violence in companies, associations and public or private establishments.

Publics and Modalities

Students, PhD students, supervising professionals, teachers

In addition, the Firm supports the creation of information, prevention and management systems for situations of sexual and gender-based violence in companies, associations and public or private establishments.

Since 2021, training courses have taken place in the following establishments:


  • 2021, Hunter College, New York City, Equality and Human Rights (in English)
  • 2016-2018, Paris Sciences et Lettres, Judicial treatment of sexual violence in the world (in English)
  • 2016-2019, Clinique juridique de Sciences Po Paris, tutrice du projet Jeunes et Citoyenneté
  • 2016-2018, Oxbridge in Paris, Human Rights (in English)


  • 2021, “Legal treatment of sexual and gender-based violence in France”, discussion with Olivia Tabaste, director of the Information Center on the Rights of Women and Families (CIDFF) in Paris, Sciences Po legal clinic
  • 2021, “Legal Feminism”, Feminists in the city, online
  • 2020, “Legal treatment of sexual and gender-based violence in France”, with Femmes ici et ailleurs, Palo Alto
  • 2019, “Legal treatment of sexual and gender-based violence in France”, Les Rendez-vous de l’Europe, Paris
  • “Sexual Harassment in Higher Education”, DiversiTalks, School of Business and Economics (HEC)
  • 2018, “Sexual violence, what the law says”, training for humanitarian associations with Dr. Violaine Guerin, Stop sexual violence, Paris
  • 2017, “The law against cybersexism”, National Council of French Women (CNFF), Paris Sorbonne University, (March 2)
  • 2016, “My thesis in 7 minutes”, Diploweb, Paris
  • “The legal treatment of female genital mutilation in France”, Paris Sorbonne University and Cochin Hospital
  • 2015, “Equality through law”, with Nicole Ameline, French Institute of Budapest
  • “Rape in France, a legal perspective”, Central European University, Budapest
  • “Rape in France”, film debate “Don’t Say Anything”, Paris 3 University
  • 2013, “Patenting in India”, focus on the pharmaceutical sector based on a study conducted through interviews with around 60 professionals, ISHTIP, International Society for the History of Intellectual Property
  • 2010-2013, “Industrial Property, Lessons from India”, International Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School


  • 2015, “Female genital mutilation and forced “marriages”: we must not turn the page”, Le Baromaître no 2, December 2015
  • “Innovation in India: A Case Study (2005-2012) of Patenting in the Pharmaceutical Industry”, in L’innovation à l’épreuve de la mondialisation : Réflexions autour d’un droit de l’innovation en devenir, P.-D. Cervetti (dir), Aix-Marseille University Press
  • 2013, « Chiasmic Edges: Short Stories from Legal Research Field Work », UPES Law Review, vol. 1, Dehradun, Inde
  • “Religious and Geopolitical Practices, Reflections from Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh 2013”, Diplomacy, Les grands dossiers no 16
  • 2012, “Traditional medicinal knowledge plundered by patent law?”, Revue internationale de droit économique, October 2012
  • 2010, “The right of resale: what prospects for tomorrow?”, Revue Lamy Droit de l’immatériel, July 2010